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Toggle css on ng-click

This is the basic idea of my code:

HTML (jade):



   color: #d04f37;


$scope.check = true;
$scope.toggleCustom = function() {
    $scope.check = $scope.check === false ? true: false;

I want to add the css color : #d04f37 when the user clicks the parent #preferencesBox. Adding/removing .active is the jQuery way. How should my ng-class or the rest code look like?

like image 506
Diolor Avatar asked Nov 04 '13 16:11


2 Answers

You can use an expression inside ng-class that will watch the check variable:

ng-class="{'active' : check}"

When check = true, add class active

like image 52
tymeJV Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 00:11


Take a look at the next example and apply in Jade:

<header ng-click="click()" ng-class="{'active': active == true}">Hello</header>

Then, in your controller:

$scope.click = function(){
    $scope.active = true;

I'd say this is simple enough to get you started and add logic for toggling into click() (it's only an if).

like image 24
danielrozo Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 00:11
