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To check if var is String type


I have a problem in code in C#:

I don't know how to implement logic - iterating through Hashtable having values of different data types, the schema I want is below:

if the value in variable is String type {  do action1; } else  {   do action2; } 

There is a hashtable containing data of Types - String and Int (combined):

public string SQLCondGenerator {          get         {              Hashtable conditions = new Hashtable();              //data having String data type             conditions.Add("miap", ViewState["miap_txt"]);             conditions.Add("pocode", ViewState["po_txt "]);             conditions.Add("materialdescription", ViewState["mat_desc_txt"]);             conditions.Add("suppliername", ViewState["supplier_txt"]);             conditions.Add("manufacturername", ViewState["manufacturer_txt"]);              //data having Int32 data type             conditions.Add("spareparts", ViewState["sp_id"]);              conditions.Add("firstfills", ViewState["ff_id"]);             conditions.Add("specialtools", ViewState["st_id"]);             conditions.Add("ps_deleted", ViewState["ps_del_id"]);             conditions.Add("po_manuallyinserted", ViewState["man_ins_id"]);              String SQLCondString = "";             String SQLCondStringConverted = "";               string s = string.Empty;             foreach (string name in conditions.Keys)              {                 if (conditions[name] != null)                 {                     SQLCondString += name+ "=" +conditions[name]+ " and ";                     Response.Write(conditions[name].GetType());                      bool valtype = conditions[name].GetType().IsValueType;                     if (valtype == string)                     {                       SQLCondString.Substring(0, SQLCondString.Length - 4);                       SQLCondString += name + " and like '%" + conditions[name] + "%' and ";                     }                 }             }          //Response.Write("********************");          SQLCondStringConverted = SQLCondString.Substring(0, SQLCondString.Length - 4);          return SQLCondStringConverted;         }        } 

May be I am wrong in coding, please advise!


like image 445
Bulat Makhmutov Avatar asked Dec 19 '12 15:12

Bulat Makhmutov

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1 Answers

if(conditions[name] is string) { } else { } 
like image 142
Lee Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10
