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Tl.xcodeproj The linked framework 'Pods_Tl.framework' is missing one or more architectures required by this target: armv7


I just updated to Xcode 12.0.1 from AppStore opened my old project and after build got an error.

Here is an image for error:
enter image description here

as I research on SO for a solution some answered mentioned changing architecture in the build setting and changing build active architecture only setting. so I did but that didn't help.

here the picture of the build setting architecture section:
enter image description here

enter image description here

as I mentioned I have gone through the same so question but they didn't help for that I have uploaded a screenshot of the solution I used.

like image 806
NickCoder Avatar asked Oct 01 '20 10:10


People also ask

How do I add arm64 to excluded architectures?

Basically, you have to exclude arm64 for the simulator architecture, both from your project and the Pod project. To do that, navigate to Build Settings of your project and add Any iOS Simulator SDK with value arm64 inside Excluded Architecture.

Is iOS simulator arm64?

The iOS simulator's architecture is x86_64 (the latest Xcode doesn't support an i386-based simulator that the answer refers to), whereas a real iOS device (such as an iPhone or iPad) can be arm64 or arm64e. So when building an app for the simulator you need to specify x86_64, not an ARM architecture.

2 Answers

Just clean the build folder and build project. Doing this my issue is solved.

Or You can add armv7 to the Build Settings -> Architectures -> Excluded Architectures. This might solve the issue for some.

like image 180
sagar Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09


For me this was caused by first building the project with a specific target, then switching to "Any iOS Device". Cleaning and rebuilding did the job

like image 39
Johannes Stahl Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Johannes Stahl