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Tkinter OptionMenu DisplayOptions and Assignment Values

In Python's Tkinter OptionMenu, is it possible to have a list of display options, but on selection, it sets a value to be some other value?

Suppose I had

variable = tk.IntVar(master)
OptionMenu(master, variable, 1, 2).pack()
options = {1:"one",2:"two"}

and wanted to display the values but assign the key to variable. Is this even possible? Or is there a way to link the OptionMenu to call a function on selection to convert it?

My real problem is more involved than the example, so the issue is just evaluating complex strings and I'd like to avoid using a StringVar.


like image 339
Murphy4 Avatar asked Dec 20 '14 06:12


1 Answers

You already have it. Use the dictionary to map your displayed options to the actual values you want.


import Tkinter as tk
master = tk.Tk()
variable = tk.StringVar(master)
options = {"one": 1, "two": 2}
tk.OptionMenu(master, variable, *options.keys()).pack()
wanted = options[variable.get()]

Please note the splat operator, *, used to unpack the keys as a comma separated list of arguments to OptionMenu. Later when you want the option's "value" use variable.get() as the "key" in the dictionary.

like image 161
Mark Mikofski Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 07:11

Mark Mikofski