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Title Attribute not working for an SVG Rect on Safari

I have an SVG created with d3 that has title attributes set on all of the rects for tooltip popups. The code works fine in Firefox, but the tooltips don't show up in Safari--neither Mac or Windows. I know the title attribute is being properly set as I can see it in the Safari Web Inspector.

d3 code snip:

.append("rect") .attr("class", "hmCell") .attr("x", function(d,i) {     return cellWidth*i; }) .attr("y", 0 )           .attr("width", cellWidth-cellPadding ) .attr("height", cellHeight-cellPadding )     .style("fill", function(d,i){         return colorScales[i](d); }) .attr("title", function(d,i) { return coldata[i]['PrintName']+": "+d; }); 

Snippet from the Web inspector showing some of the generated html:

<rect class="hmCell" x="0" y="0" width="34" height="11" style="fill: #9fee49; " title="V1: Derek"></rect> <rect class="hmCell" x="35" y="0" width="34" height="11" style="fill: #ee99bb; " title="V2: Blue"></rect> 

Thanks for any help

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BoB3K Avatar asked Sep 23 '14 15:09


People also ask

Should SVG have title?

Title and DescriptionIf an SVG image is purely decorative, do not include a title or description. The SVG element should additional be identified as presentational using the ARIA role attribute.

What is Xlinktitle?

The xlink:title attribute is used to describe the meaning of a link or resource in a human-readable fashion. The use of this information is highly dependent on the type of processing being done.

1 Answers

SVG elements do not have a title attribute. To get the effect of an html title attribute you need to add a child title element e.g.

    <svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">          <rect class="hmCell" x="0" y="0" width="34" height="11" style="fill: #9fee49; ">              <title>V1: Derek</title>          </rect>      </svg>
like image 158
Robert Longson Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Robert Longson