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Tinymce resize vertical only



Is there anyway to force tinymce to resize vertical only? It breaks my layout when resized horizontal.

So that this works the same as a default textarea resize: vertical;

like image 915
John Magnolia Avatar asked Sep 19 '12 12:09

John Magnolia

1 Answers

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  resize: true

resize option has 3 values:

  1. false: to disable.
  2. true: enable only Vertical resize
  3. 'both': enable both resize directions

check the Documentation

IMPORTANT NOTE: to make it work you have to enable the statusbar option, it's enabled by default, but in case if turned it to statusbar: false you will have to re-enable it statusbar: true

like image 52
Biskrem Muhammad Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

Biskrem Muhammad