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Tinymce Line break problem on Safari and Chrome

Does anyone know how to fix the problem about Tinymce Line break problem on Safari and Chrome.

For example, Let's say, I have two line pure text. When I copy and paste through firefox or IE. It's under one p tag. So it's same formatting i saw in the text file which is two line.

But if i copy and paste through Chrome or Firefox, it becomes two p tag. So at display there,s one space between that two line.

I tried to add safari plugin, but nothing happens. And if i put the plugin called paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste : true, it's removing the space, but two line text became one line.

Cany anyone help me out by providing solution ? I noticed that at wordpress which is using Tinymce Editor also, doesn't occur that problem, because seems like they are using span instead of p at editor. If that's the solution, how can i change to span instead of p. Thanks for your help and greatly appreciated.

Here is when I paste through firefox and IE, firefox produces following code. That's what I want

This is line 1 <br />
This is line 2 <br />
This is line 3 <br /> 

But when I paste through Chrome and Safari, it produced following code. That's what I don't want.

<p> This is line 1 </p>
<p>This is line 2 </p>
<p>This is line 3 </p>
like image 375
knightrider Avatar asked Jun 10 '10 10:06


1 Answers

Have you tried to enable the plugin paste in

    plugins : "paste",


As an example, this link is without paste enabled http://jsbin.com/obekev and will see Path: p » p if you try to paste several lines in safari or chrome

and this one has paste enabled http://jsbin.com/axipof/2 and this time you will see Path: p : proof that your problem is fixed with paste enabled :)

Hope that helped!

like image 71
Gueno Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
