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TinyMCE 4 and 100% Height Within Containing Element


People also ask

How do I change the height on TinyMCE editor?

The min_height option has two kinds of behaviors depending on the state of the autoresize plugin: autoresize OFF (Default): Without the autoresize plugin, this option sets the minimum height that a user can shrink the entire TinyMCE interface (by grabbing the draggable area in the bottom right of the editor interface).

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You can remove this status bar with "statusbar: false".

I am in the process of migrating from TinyMCE 3 to 4.

However, I am getting stuck at making TinyMCE fill its 100% height container (it does work with TinyMCE 3).

Please note this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/MLJaN/

I used the CSS below to try and set the iframe and all of its parents to 100%-height. I agree it does not look ideal, but I would have thought it should work this way.

 body, html, .mce-tinymce, .mce-edit-area.mce-container, iframe, .mce-container-body.mce-stack-layout
     height: 100% !important;

As you can see in the live-fiddle, it is exactly the amount of pixels of the toolbar "too tall": i.e. it is 34px too tall (the toolbar's height).

This works, but it does not automatically resize with the browser and it uses calc() which is only about 79% supported right now: http://jsfiddle.net/MLJaN/2/

Now, I am looking for a pure CSS (no calc() function) solution to make the entire editor fill its container and be fluidly resizable.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.