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Timeout within a popen works, but popen inside a timeout doesn't?

It's easiest to explain in code:

require 'timeout'

puts "this block will properly kill the sleep after a second"

IO.popen("sleep 60") do |io|
    Timeout.timeout(1) do
      while (line=io.gets) do
        output += line
  rescue Timeout::Error => ex
    Process.kill 9, io.pid
    puts "timed out: this block worked correctly"

puts "but this one blocks for >1 minute"

  pid = 0
  Timeout.timeout(1) do
    IO.popen("sleep 60") do |io|
      pid = io.pid
      while (line=io.gets) do
        output += line
rescue Timeout::Error => ex
  puts "timed out: the exception gets thrown, but much too late"

My mental model of the two blocks is identical:

flow chart

So, what am I missing?

edit: drmaciver suggested on twitter that in the first case, for some reason, the pipe socket goes into non-blocking mode, but in the second it doesn't. I can't think of any reason why this would happen, nor can I figure out how to get the descriptor's flags, but it's at least a plausible answer? Working on that possibility.

like image 423
llimllib Avatar asked Jun 21 '13 14:06


People also ask

Does Popen have a timeout?

The timeout argument is passed to Popen.communicate() . If the timeout expires, the child process will be killed and waited for.

How do I use OS Popen in Python?

Python method popen() opens a pipe to or from command. The return value is an open file object connected to the pipe, which can be read or written depending on whether mode is 'r' (default) or 'w'. The bufsize argument has the same meaning as in open() function.

2 Answers

Aha, subtle.

There is a hidden, blocking ensure clause at the end of the IO#popen block in the second case. The Timeout::Error is raised raised timely, but you cannot rescue it until execution returns from that implicit ensure clause.

Under the hood, IO.popen(cmd) { |io| ... } does something like this:

def my_illustrative_io_popen(cmd, &block)
    pio = IO.popen(cmd)
    block.call(pio)      # This *is* interrupted...
    pio.close            # ...but then control goes here, which blocks on cmd's termination

and the IO#close call is really more-or-less a pclose(3), which is blocking you in waitpid(2) until the sleeping child exits.

You can verify this like so:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'timeout'

BEGIN { $BASETIME = Time.now.to_i }

def xputs(msg)
  puts "%4.2f: %s" % [(Time.now.to_f - $BASETIME), msg]

  Timeout.timeout(3) do
      xputs "popen(sleep 10)"
      pio = IO.popen("sleep 10")
      sleep 100                     # or loop over pio.gets or whatever
      xputs "Entering ensure block"
      #Process.kill 9, pio.pid      # <--- This would solve your problem!
      xputs "Leaving ensure block"
rescue Timeout::Error => ex
  xputs "rescuing: #{ex}"

So, what can you do?

You'll have to do it the explicit way, since the interpreter doesn't expose a way to override the IO#popen ensure logic. You can use the above code as a starting template and uncomment the kill() line, for example.

like image 91
pilcrow Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09


In the first block, the timeout is raised in the child, killing it and returning control to the parent. In the second block, the timeout is raised in the parent. The child never gets the signal.

See io.c https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/io.c#L6021 and timeout.rb https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/lib/timeout.rb#L51

like image 34
Jonathan Julian Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09

Jonathan Julian