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Timeout jQuery effects




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How to add timeout in jQuery?

The setTimeout() function of JavaScript is used to delay certain action or execution of the code placed directly inside that function or at another JS function. The delay or time is specified in milliseconds in setTimeout function.

How to delay jQuery execution?

jQuery delay() The jQuery delay() method is used to delay the execution of functions in the queue. It is a best method to make a delay between the queued jQuery effects. The jQUery delay () method sets a timer to delay the execution of the next item in the queue.

How to delay animation in jQuery?

jQuery delay() Method The delay() method sets a timer to delay the execution of the next item in the queue.

How to call function with delay in jQuery?

To call a jQuery function after a certain delay, use the siteTimeout() method. Here, jQuery fadeOut() function is called after some seconds.

Update: As of jQuery 1.4 you can use the .delay( n ) method. http://api.jquery.com/delay/


Note: $.show() and $.hide() by default are not queued, so if you want to use $.delay() with them, you need to configure them that way:

    .show({duration: 0, queue: true})
    .hide({duration: 0, queue: true});

You could possibly use the Queue syntax, this might work:


var e = $('.notice'); 
  }, 2000 ); 


or you could be really ingenious and make a jQuery function to do it.


  jQuery.fn.idle = function(time)
      var o = $(this); 
         }, time);

which would ( in theory , working on memory here ) permit you do to this:


I just figured it out below:

   .fadeIn( function() 
      setTimeout( function()
      }, 2000);

I will keep the post for other users!

Great hack by @strager. Implement it into jQuery like this:

jQuery.fn.wait = function (MiliSeconds) {
    $(this).animate({ opacity: '+=0' }, MiliSeconds);
    return this;

And then use it as:


You can do something like this:

    .animate({opacity: '+=0'}, 2000)   // Does nothing for 2000ms

Sadly, you can't just do .animate({}, 2000) -- I think this is a bug, and will report it.

Ben Alman wrote a sweet plugin for jQuery called doTimeout. It has a lot of nice features!

Check it out here: jQuery doTimeout: Like setTimeout, but better.

To be able to use it like that, you need to return this. Without the return, fadeOut('slow'), will not get an object to perform that operation on.


  $.fn.idle = function(time)
      var o = $(this);
         }, time);
      return this;              //****

Then do this:
