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Time series distance metric

In order to clusterize a set of time series I'm looking for a smart distance metric. I've tried some well known metric but no one fits to my case.

ex: Let's assume that my cluster algorithm extracts this three centroids [s1, s2, s3]: enter image description here

I want to put this new example [sx] in the most similar cluster:

enter image description here

The most similar centroids is the second one, so I need to find a distance function d that gives me d(sx, s2) < d(sx, s1) and d(sx, s2) < d(sx, s3)


Here the results with metrics [cosine, euclidean, minkowski, dynamic type warping] enter image description here]3

edit 2

User Pietro P suggested to apply the distances on the cumulated version of the time series The solution works, here the plots and the metrics: enter image description here

like image 972
paolof89 Avatar asked Jan 29 '18 09:01


2 Answers

nice question! using any standard distance of R^n (euclidean, manhattan or generically minkowski) over those time series cannot achieve the result you want, since those metrics are independent of the permutations of the coordinate of R^n (while time is strictly ordered and it is the phenomenon you want to capture).

A simple trick, that can do what you ask is using the cumulated version of the time series (sum values over time as time increases) and then apply a standard metric. Using the Manhattan metric, you would get as a distance between two time series the area between their cumulated versions.

like image 168
pietroppeter Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 19:01


Another approach would be by utilizing DTW which is an algorithm to compute the similarity between two temporal sequences. Full disclosure; I coded a Python package for this purpose called trendypy, you can download via pip (pip install trendypy). Here is a demo on how to utilize the package. You're just just basically computing the total min distance for different combinations to set the cluster centers.

like image 45
Dogan Askan Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 17:01

Dogan Askan