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Timber Twig and ACF Get image from custom field on taxonomy page



Just like the title, I'm trying to get an image from a custom field I attached to a taxonomy. I currently have a taxonomy called city and the term would be some like Albuquerque, NM. I have created an image custom field ('city_hero_image') with ACF's and selected the ID as the return value. Looking at the source, in the src tag it says 'unknown' and when doing a print_r it returns basically an empty object array.

My taxonomy-city.php is

$context['posts'] = Timber::get_posts();
$context['categories'] = Timber::get_terms('city');

$cover_image_id = get_field('city_hero_image');
$context['cover_image'] = new TimberImage($cover_image_id);
Timber::render( $templates, $context );

In my taxonomy-city.twig I have

<img src="{{cover_image.get_url}}" class="img-responsive" alt="">
like image 644
lnickel Avatar asked Mar 10 '17 19:03


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How do I display ACF fields?

To retrieve a field value as a variable, use the get_field() function. This is the most versatile function which will always return a value for any type of field. To display a field, use the the_field() in a similar fashion. Here's a basic usage example, and please be sure to view the code example page for more.

1 Answers

get_field in default WordPress

When you run get_field, the function will try to guess the object where it should look for the custom field from the context. The context is normally The Loop.

So, if you run $cover_image_id = get_field( 'city_hero_image' );, ACF will try get the custom field city_hero_image from the current post’s ID, which it can’t find. There’s also no city_hero_image defined on a post, it’s defined on your term.

  • If you run get_field inside the loop, it will take the current post’s ID to load a field. But, with Timber you’re never inside The Loop. Timber is in fact used to get rid of The Loop.
  • If you want to load a field from a term object (in your case city_hero_image), you’d need to explicitly tell get_field to look in that taxonomy with get_field( 'city_hero_image', 'city_termid' ), while termid will be the id of the term you want the data for.

get_field in Timber

In Timber, get_field works a little different. Timber will populate the post or term object with the custom fields as properties.

If you have a custom field city_hero_image in your taxonomy, you can access it in multiple ways:

in PHP

  • Directly via its property: $category->city_hero_image
  • Through the get_field method of a Timber\Term object:

in Twig

  • Directly via its property: {{ category.city_hero_image }}
  • Through the gef_field method:
    {{ category.get_field('city_hero_image') }}

The same works for ACF fields on Timber\Post objects. You only need to call get_field explicitly when you want to access data of field types Repeater or Flexible Content.

Putting it together

Let’s look at this in your example. You first need to get the term that is displayed. For archive pages, you can use the function get_queried_object(), which will return an object depending on the archive that is accessed:

  • For term archives, it will be a WP_Term object.
  • For post type archives, it will be a WP_Post_Type object.
  • For author archives, it will be a WP_User object.
  • and so on...

You have a term archive (taxonomy-city.php), so it would be

$term = new \Timber\Term( get_queried_object() );
$cover_image = $term->city_hero_image;

$context['term'] = $term;
$context['cover_image'] = new \Timber\Image($cover_image);
like image 177
Gchtr Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09
