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Thumbnail video C#

Is it possible to create a thumbnail image of a video in C# (like the first frame)?

Little update: I'll need a thumbnail image of an FLV video in C# since I'm using Flex to show video's. And yes, links to some libraries would be useful.

like image 637
Lieven Cardoen Avatar asked Nov 04 '09 14:11

Lieven Cardoen

1 Answers

I can think of two options off the top of my head:

  1. Use an external tool, like ffmpeg, to generate thumbnails. This is probably the most commonly implemented solution to this problem.
  2. Parse the FLV file and only send the file only to the end of the first I Frame. (You can find the parsing logic in code that allows you to seek into the middle of an FLV by time mark.
like image 153
Stu Thompson Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09

Stu Thompson