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Three.js tile which has multiple textures using plane geometry

So I am trying to build a 3D based world consisting of tiles.

I have successfully managed to do this using the plane geometry and height values etc. But now I have come to a point where I possibly have to change everything.

The problem is that I want a tile to have multiple textures (using a shader because I want to blend them). I was able to do this globally (so each tile would have same textures + using some uv mapping).

However I fail to understand how I would be able to specify which tile has which textures (and I have about a 100 textures), since the plane geometry has only 1 shader material. And I am also not sure if it is a good idea to send 100 textures through a shader?

So my questions basically boil down to this:

Is there a decent/performant way to link the tile/vertices to the textures, so I can keep the plane geometry.

- If yes: how?

- if no: Should I create each tile separately (so a plane of 1x1) and merge them somehow together (performance/vertex blending?) so it acts as a single plane (in this case the merged plane consists of many 1x1 planes) and use the shader per tile (a 1x1 plane)?

How are these things generally done?


Some extra information because it seems that my question is not really clear:

What I want is that a tile (2 faces) has multiple "materialIndexes" to say so. Currently I need to have 1 tile to have 3 textures, so I can blend them in a shader with a specific algorithm.

For example I want to have a heart shape (red heart/black background) as texture and than based on the colors I want to blend/change the other 2 textures so I can get for example wooden heart and a blue background. Or for example I should be able to blend 4 textures evenly on the square, each take 1/4 of the square. But the point here is not what has to be done with the textures, but how that i can specify such 3, 4, or more textures for my faces/tiles.

like image 584
Captain Obvious Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 08:03

Captain Obvious

1 Answers

I think you have to take a look at what is called a multi material object.

THREE.SceneUtils.createMultiMaterialObject( geometry, materials );

If you google for those you find several examples. Like this answer on a similar question.

Or take a look at THREE.MeshFaceMaterial. You can use it to assign multiple materials for the same geometry.

var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial( materials ) );

Where materials is an array of materials and the faces use a materialIndex paramater to get appointed the right material

Similar questions here and here


Here is a fiddle to demonstrate that it is possible. I used the code from one of the links.

like image 152
Wilt Avatar answered Apr 07 '23 00:04
