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THREE.js raycasting very slow against single > 500k poly (faces) object, line intersection with globe

in my project I have a player walk around a globe. The globe is not just a sphere, it has mountains and valleys, so I need the players z position to change. For this I'm raycasting a single ray from player's position against a single object (the globe) and I get the point they intersect and change players position accordingly. I'm only raycasting when the player moves, not on every frame.

For a complex object it takes forever. It takes ~200ms for an object with ~1m polys (faces) (1024x512 segments sphere). Does raycasting cast against every single face ?

Is there a traditional fast way to achieve this in THREE, like some acceleration structure (octree? bvh? -- tbh from my google searches I haven't seem to find such a thing included in THREE) or some other thinking-out-of-the-box (no ray casting) method?

        var dir = g_Game.earthPosition.clone();
        var startPoint = g_Game.cubePlayer.position.clone();
        var directionVector = dir.sub(startPoint.multiplyScalar(10));
        g_Game.raycaster.set(startPoint, directionVector.clone().normalize());
        var t1 = new Date().getTime();
        var rayIntersects = g_Game.raycaster.intersectObject(g_Game.earth, true);
        if (rayIntersects[0]) {
            var dist = rayIntersects[0].point.distanceTo(g_Game.earthPosition);
            dist = Math.round(dist * 100 + Number.EPSILON) / 100;
            g_Player.DistanceFromCenter = dist + 5;
        var t2 = new Date().getTime();

Thank you in advance

like image 753
MirrorMirror Avatar asked Feb 26 '19 11:02


1 Answers

Do not use three.js Raycaster.

Consider Ray.js that offers function intersectTriangle(a, b, c, backfaceCulling, target)

Suggested optimizations:

  1. If player starts from some known positions ⇒ you must know his initial height, − no need to raycast (or just do one time full mesh slow intersection)

  2. if player moves with small steps ⇒ next raycast will most likely intersect the same face as before.

Optimization #1 − remember previous face, and raycast it first.

  1. if player does not jump ⇒ next raycast will most likely intersect the adjacent face to the face where player was before.

Optimization #2 − build up a cache, so that given a face idx you could retrieve adjacent faces in O(1) time.

This cache may be loaded from the file, if your planet is not generated in real time.

So with my approach on each move you do O(1) read operation from cache and raycast 1-6 faces.


like image 150
Alex Khoroshylov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11

Alex Khoroshylov