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Thread.sleep() in a while loop


I notice that NetBeans is warning me about using Thread.sleep() in a while loop in my Java code, so I've done some research on the subject. It seems primarily the issue is one of performance, where your while condition may become true while the counter is still sleeping, thus wasting wall-clock time as you wait for the next iteration. This all makes perfect sense.

My application has a need to contact a remote system and periodically poll for the state of an operation, waiting until the operation is complete before sending the next request. At the moment the code logically does this:

String state = get state via RPC call while (!state.equals("complete")) {     Thread.sleep(10000); // Wait 10 seconds     state = {update state via RPC call} } 

Given that the circumstance is checking a remote operation (which is a somewhat expensive process, in that it runs for several seconds), is this a valid use of Thread.sleep() in a while loop? Is there a better way to structure this logic? I've seen some examples where I could use a Timer class, but I fail to see the benefit, as it still seems to boil down to the same straightforward logic above, but with a lot more complexity thrown in.

Bear in mind that the remote system in this case is neither under my direct control, nor is it written in Java, so changing that end to be more "cooperative" in this scenario is not an option. My only option for updating my application's value for state is to create and send an XML message, receive a response, parse it, and then extract the piece of information I need.

Any suggestions or comments would be most welcome.

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Steve Ferguson Avatar asked Jan 09 '12 17:01

Steve Ferguson

People also ask

How do you make a while loop sleep?

sleep() is a method that causes Python to pause for a specified number of seconds. Give sleep() the number of seconds that you want it to pause for in its parenthesis, and it will stall the execution of your program.

What's thread sleep () in threading?

Thread. sleep() method can be used to pause the execution of current thread for specified time in milliseconds. The argument value for milliseconds can't be negative, else it throws IllegalArgumentException .

What does sleep () do in thread Java?

Thread. sleep causes the current thread to suspend execution for a specified period. This is an efficient means of making processor time available to the other threads of an application or other applications that might be running on a computer system.

How do you sleep in a for loop C#?

You have to use Application. DoEvents() before Thread. Sleep();

2 Answers

Unless your remote system can issue an event or otherwise notify you asynchronously, I don't think the above is at all unreasonable. You need to balance your sleep() time vs. the time/load that the RPC call makes, but I think that's the only issue and the above doesn't seem of concern at all.

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Brian Agnew Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Brian Agnew

Without being able to change the remote end to provide a "push" notification that it is done with its long-running process, that's about as well as you're going to be able to do. As long as the Thread.sleep time is long compared to the cost of polling, you should be OK.

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Steven Schlansker Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Steven Schlansker