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Thread.CurrentPrincipal set in Application_AuthenticationRequest is not set later in the app

In the global.asax file for the Application_AuthenticationRequest I'm setting the Thread.CurrentPrincipal to a custom principal. I also set the HttpContext.Current.User to the same principal.

However later in the app when I need to cast the Thread.CurrentPrincipal to our custom type, I get a runtime error saying: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.Security.RolePrincipal' to type 'OurCustomPrincipal'.

How did the Thread.CurrentPrincipal get reset to RolePrincipal, and more to the point how do I keep it at the CustomPrincipal we set in the global.asax

Thanks in advance

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Ralph Shillington Avatar asked May 01 '09 00:05

Ralph Shillington

1 Answers

You surely have resolved your problem by now but just in case, if you are using the RoleProvider from ASP.NET, the RoleManagerModule overwrites the GenericPrincipal object created by the FormsAuthenticationModule and replaces it with a RolePrincipal object during the PostAuthenticateRequest: http://www.asp.net/Learn/Security/tutorial-11-vb.aspx

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jon Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 00:01
