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Thread-safety of c++ maps

This is about thread safety of std::map. Now, simultaneous reads are thread-safe but writes are not. My question is that if I add unique element to the map everytime, will that be thread-safe?

  1. So, for an example, If I have a map like this std:map<int, std::string> myMap and I always add new keys and never modify the existing key-value, will that be thread-safe?

  2. More importantly, will that give me any random run-time behavior?

  3. Is adding new keys also considered modification? If the keys are always different while adding, shouldn't it be thread-safe as it modifies an independent part of the memory?

Thanks Shiv

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shiv chawla Avatar asked Nov 22 '11 22:11

shiv chawla

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2 Answers

1) Of course not

2) Yes, I hope you'll encounter it during testing, not later

3) Yes, it is. The new element is added in a different location, but many pointers are modified during that.

The map is implemented by some sort of tree in most if not all implementations. Inserting a new element in a tree modifies it by rearranging nodes by means of resetting pointers to point to different nodes. So it is not thread safe

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Armen Tsirunyan Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09

Armen Tsirunyan

no, yes, yes. You need to obtain exclusive lock when modifying container (including insertion of new keys), though while there's no modification going on you can, of course, safely read concurrently.

edit: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/thread_safety.html might be of interest for you.

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Michael Krelin - hacker Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09

Michael Krelin - hacker