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This request is not authorized to perform this operation. Azure blobClient


I have the following code to return a list of containers using the WindowsAzure.Storage nuget package:

public static class AzureBlobStorageClient
    public static CloudBlobClient GetClient(string AccountName = "foo", string AccountKey = "bar" )

            var connectionString = $"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={AccountName};AccountKey={AccountKey};EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net";
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString);
            CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            IRetryPolicy exponentialRetryPolicy = new ExponentialRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), 10);
            blobClient.DefaultRequestOptions.RetryPolicy = exponentialRetryPolicy;
            return blobClient;
        catch (StorageException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Error returned from the service: {0}", ex.Message);

    public static void DeleteContainer(CloudBlobContainer container)
        var result = container.DeleteIfExistsAsync().Result;

    public static List<CloudBlobContainer> GetContainers()
        var client = GetClient();
        BlobContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
        List<CloudBlobContainer> results = new List<CloudBlobContainer>();
            var response = client.ListContainersSegmentedAsync(continuationToken).Result;
            continuationToken = response.ContinuationToken;
        while (continuationToken != null);

        return results;


when i run this, i get the following error on client.ListContainersSegmentedAsync(continuationToken).Result :

System.AggregateException: 'One or more errors occurred. (This request is not authorized to perform this operation.)'

and I can't see how to set the authorization for the request.

My question is how to get past this error message

like image 465
Mr Giggles Avatar asked May 14 '19 12:05

Mr Giggles

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To resolve this issue, you need to verify the access permissions for the ADF and user type: Note: Storage Blob Data Contributor : Use to grant read/write/delete permissions to Blob storage resources. ADF permissions: Kindly check the permissions on the Storage account. Check the user permission on the storage account.

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1 Answers

Thanks to @gaurav Mantri for this answer.

The issue was my client IP was not added to the firewall rules for the storage account.

To change this go to :

Storage accounts > {yourAccount} > Firewalls and Virtual networks

and add your IP address

like image 68
Mr Giggles Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 04:01

Mr Giggles