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'this' keyword context inside of a IIFE



function foo() {

var a = 2;

(function() {
  "use strict";

  foo(); // 2

I was just wondering, how come calling foo() still gives the value 2? I thought that since foo is called inside of an IIFE then this.a would evaluate to undefined, since there is no a variable in the IIFE.

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Mark Avatar asked Feb 07 '21 07:02


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IIFE has been used since long by JavaScript community but it had misleading term "self-executing anonymous function". Ben Alman gave it appropriate name "Immediately Invoked Function Expression"

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Syntax: IIFEs follows a particular syntax as shown below. (function () { // Function Logic Here. }) (); Now let us probe some more to understand the relation between the Name and Syntax of this type of Functions. Why the name Immediately Invoked Function Expressions? Immediately Invoked: This part is easy to explain and demonstrate.

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Note that you can use an arrow function to define an IIFE: ( () => { //... }) (); By placing functions and variables inside an immediately invoked function expression, you can avoid polluting them to the global object: ( function() { var counter = 0 ; function add(a, b) { return a + b; } console .log (add ( 10, 20 )); // 30 } ());

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2 Answers

The "use strict" is being applied to the IIFE, not the foo() function. As a result, foo gets ran in sloppy mode/non-strict mode. Since foo() doesn't get an explicit this bound to it, it defaults to the global object, which in browsers is the window. When you declare var a in the global scope, it gets added to the window object as a property, meaning using this.a inside of foo will give you the value held in a, as it's accessing the a property of the window.

You would get undefined for this if foo() was being run in strict mode, not the IIFE:

function foo() {
  "use strict";
  console.log(this); // undefined
  console.log(this.a); // Crash

var a = 2;

(function() {
like image 89
Nick Parsons Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 20:11

Nick Parsons

Let's see two things here :-

Firstly your strict mode can apply to globalThis when it's declared in that scope, like so :-

"use strict";

function foo() {

var a = 2;

(function() {
  foo(); // Throws error since this is undefined

Another way could be how @Nick proposed it to run only foo in strict mode.

Now secondly,

The this inside your IIFE is your globalThis which is window for browsers. Variables declared with var in global scope attach themselves to window.

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Lakshya Thakur Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 18:11

Lakshya Thakur