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"this" inside object [duplicate]

I'm trying to calculate a proportional height (while excluding a static height element) from a width that gets passed in via a request (defaults to 560).

However, wF.h evaluates to NaN. If I replace this.w with 560 it works, but not when trying to reference the w property of wF.

var wF = {
       w : 560,
       h : (312 - 42) / (560 / this.w) + 42

What gives?

I refuse to use two plain vars in succession, because I'm trying to get nice code out of JS.


Thanks to everyone who helped explain and solve my problem. I guess i'll just have to get used to that. I'll be setting the object up in stages to get on with the project, even though it still annoys me slightly ;). I found and read a nice article on the topic for anyone who stumbles upon similar issues: http://yehudakatz.com/2011/08/11/understanding-javascript-function-invocation-and-this/

like image 577
mhe Avatar asked Aug 12 '11 16:08


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4 Answers

// Your code
var wF = {
       w : 560,
       h : (312 - 42) / (560 / this.w) + 42

this isn't what you think it is

Javascript has no block scope, only function scope: this inside the definition for wF does not refer to wF.

(And so this.w, whatever this is, is likely undefined. Dividing by undefined yields NaN.)

So then you might try:

// Let's not use `this`
var wF = {
       w : 560,
       h : (312 - 42) / (560 / wF.w) + 42

You haven't finished defining the object yet

However, you're still defining the object where you attempt to use wF.w: it's not ready for that yet.


So, yes, you will have to use two variables... or set up the object in stages:

// We can't even use `wF`; split up the property definitions
var wF = {};
wF.w = 560;
wF.h = (312 - 42) / (560 / wF.w) + 42;
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Lightness Races in Orbit Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Lightness Races in Orbit

Hi just redefine your second property as a function object and it will work. I think it is possible to access the context of the calling object from within a function

var wF = {
    w : 560,
    h : function() { return (312 - 42) / (560 / this.w) + 42; }

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houss Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10


The this keyword refers to the calling context, not an object.

You need to do this in two steps like so:

var wF = { w: 560 };
wF.h = (312 - 42) / (560 / wF.w) + 42;
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Paul Perigny Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 09:10

Paul Perigny

You don't need to wrap the {...} in an Object(). It is already an object literal.

this doesn't operate inside the object literal, it will point to the object that the function is currently running in so:

function fn() {
   var wF = { w : 560, h : (312 - 42) / (560 / this.w) + 42 };


will cause this to point to the window object.

EDIT: Previous code was not intended to be an answer, just a demonstration of what this is. Another possiblity would be to use a function that takes the width as an argument:

function getObject(width) {
    width = width || 560; //Default value to 560
    return { w: width, h : (312 - 42) / (560 / width) + 42 };

var wF = getObject(); //To get the default value, or specify a width otherwise.
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Dennis Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10
