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"this" in a javascript function?



I understand that "this" is a reference for the caller object.

I'm used to see "this" in code like:

var Person = function() {
   this.name = "foo";

But then I saw these lines of code:

Example 1:

function helloWorld1() {
   this({ body: "Hello world!" })();

Example 2:

I also seen this code:

function helloWorld2() {
    ({ body: "Hello, " })
    ({ body: "world!" })
  • What does "this" means here?
  • What is happening in the above examples?
like image 497
never_had_a_name Avatar asked Feb 26 '23 04:02


1 Answers

Actually this can refer to different thing, implicitly, it is set depending how you invoke a function, for exmaple:


The this value inside func will refer to obj.

new Func();

The this value will refer to a newly created object that inherits from Func.prototype.


The this value will refer to the Global object.

And the value can be set explicitly also, using the call or apply methods, for example:

function foo () {

foo.call("hello world");

The helloWorld1 example you post, would work only if the this value refers to a function, that returns another function, because if you analyze the line:

this({ body: "Hello world!" })();

You can note that this needs to be a function, because you are invoking it, passing the object to it. And we know the return value needs also to be a function, because the last parentheses, are another function invocation.

For example:

var fn = function(o){
  return function () {
helloWorld1.call(fn);  // or the equivalent

fn.method = helloWorld1;

Edit: To make the helloWorld2 example you post work, the this value needs to be a function with a pattern that allows us to chain multiple function calls, returning the same function each time, until the function is called without arguments, e.g.:

var fn = (function(){
  var msg = '';
  return function inner (o) {
    if (o) { // called with an argument?
      msg += o.body;
    } else { // no, show the message
    return inner; // return a reference to itself

function helloWorld2() {
  ({ body: "Hello, " })
  ({ body: "my " })
  ({ body: "world!" })
helloWorld2.call(fn); // "Hello my world!"
like image 64
Christian C. Salvadó Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 05:03

Christian C. Salvadó