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Thin controllers




I am getting my feet wet with javafx. This is what I am doing.

FXML Views
DI Controllers
Weld-SE Managed Services and Models
Trying to confine UI to FXML
Trying keep the Controllers thin


While trying to code the UI, most static UI is confined inside the fxml. But there are scenarios where I find my self adding, removing, showing, hiding elements etc.

I find myself doing this inside the controller as fx lets me configure controller method in the view which it will call on a particular action / event. All this code deals with Dynamic UI building / manipulating and belongs inside the view layer. But, it ends up in controller making the controllers fat.

javafx provides javascript integration. This is one possible way to abstract that view manupulation code away. But this would add not so perfect javascript into the mix.

How would I abstract the code away in java or fxml so that I don't break the Thin Controller Paradigm ?



Agreed, I have thought about this and this way that java class and fxml together become a reusable widget. But then, how do I wire this into FXML. FXML doesn't understand anything but a controller. Let say I wire this view class into fxml using fx:controller and not name it controller. So I have something like this.

enter image description here

This view class has nothing but view manipulation code. Then I would create another controller class. But then I would expect to somehow fill the form data into this controller. This should only happen when the user has submitted the form. So in a way, I need to tell javafx somehow that UI manipulation request / event is different from actual data manipulation request / event.

Your thoughts, sorry if it was verbose. Tried to articulate it in as few words as I could.

like image 295
ShaggyInjun Avatar asked Feb 05 '13 18:02


1 Answers

I think the easiest solution to this is to remember that the controller specified in FXML is a view controller. It's purpose is to contain code to modify and update the view, not to contain traditional MVC controller code or business logic.

For example, in a project I'm currently working on, I'm using JavaFX with Akka Actors. The application is written in scala. The JavaFX view controllers contain any code necessary to modify the view. One screen contains a login form. When the user clicks the login button, the view controller simply creates a message containing the username and password, and sends that message to the actor responsible for doing business logic. If that actor determines there is an error then it will send a message back to the view controller, and the view controller can decide what sort of updates need to be made on the screen.

I've found that using akka actors with JavaFX greatly simplifies coding the application for at least two reasons.

  1. Because using an actor system mandates sending messages between actors, there is a natural boundary between presentation code and business code. The messages that are passed back and forth form this natural boundary.
  2. Using actors completely replaces the complexity of working with threads/tasks. It completely eliminates the need to code javafx.concurrent.Task's for long running processes.
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axiopisty Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10
