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There is no libproject inside google play services( Rev. 30) in eclipse Juno

I don't know what happened but I could not find any libproject inside google play services. I have just update it. My apk file has become jar file after cleaning the project, so I checked the google play services and I found that there is no libproject to add into the project. there are docs and samples but on libproject.

I haven't found any solution on the web, so I think it is best to post here. Is there any problem with this update?

Anyone, please give me any idea to solve this problem.

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Rakib07003 Avatar asked Feb 06 '23 22:02


1 Answers

I am working on a legacy project in Eclipse and I fixed the problem a slightly different way than the others. For me using the project from Google Play Services revision 29, had all sorts of dependency problems which I could not resolve. For example it wanted the compatibility library v4 so I imported it but even then it could not find some required resources.

However, I was able to use Revision 28 without such issues and set the minimum version of my app to be ICS. Below is a link to version 28. Download it, unzip it and extract the libproject folder to where it would normally have been prior to removal.

Import the project in Eclipse (ensure copy files is selected) the usual way and all will be fine.


Additional info can be found here:

like image 183
Andrew S Avatar answered Feb 11 '23 16:02

Andrew S