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There is no extension able to load the configuration for "facebookbundle" symfony2



I create my own FacebookBundle and

I got this error:

There is no extension able to load the configuration for "facebookbundle" (in /facebookx/app/config/config_dev.yml). Looked for namespace "facebookbundle", found "framework", "security", "twig", "monolog", "swiftmailer", "assetic", "doctrine", "sensio_framework_extra", "jms_aop", "jms_di_extra", "jms_security_extra", "d_facebook", "d_user", "d_security", "web_profiler", "sensio_distribution"

The error message means that I got an entry "facebookbundle" in My config.yml which is not used by any extension ?

My config.yml

facebookbundle:     file:   %kernel.root_dir%/../src/FacebookBundle/Facebook/FacebookInit.php     alias:  facebook     app_id: xxx     secret: xxx     cookie: true     permissions: [email, user_birthday, user_location, user_about_me] 

My DFacebookExtension

<?php  namespace D\FacebookBundle\DependencyInjection;  use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\Extension; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader;  /**  * This is the class that loads and manages your bundle configuration  *  * To learn more see {@link http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/bundles/extension.html}  */ class DFacebookExtension extends Extension {     /**      * {@inheritDoc}      */     public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)     {         $configuration = new Configuration();         $config = $this->processConfiguration($configuration, $configs);          $loader = new Loader\YamlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator(__DIR__.'/../Resources/config'));         $loader->load('services.yml');          foreach (array('app_id', 'secret', 'cookie', 'permissions') as $attribute) {             $container->setParameter('facebookbundle.'.$attribute, $config[$attribute]);         }          if (isset($config['file']) && $container->hasDefinition('acebookbundle.api')) {             $facebookApi = $container->getDefinition('facebookbundle.api');             $facebookApi->setFile($config['file']);         }     } } 

were is error ?

like image 261
Thomas Shelby Avatar asked Dec 06 '12 10:12

Thomas Shelby

1 Answers

Also, keep in mind that the root key of the configuration file must be a normalized form of the Bundle's name.

This is something I've encoutered a few times and it's very frustrating to solve if you're not aware of it.

Example: if bundle is called MyFirstAwesomeBundle, then the root key in the file must be my_first_awesome. So camel-case is converted to snake-case and the word "bundle" is ignored or stripped away.

So simply having the root key in your file match exactly the value specified in Configuration::getConfigTreeBuilder() is not enough.

If you don't follow this rule, then you'll get the There is no extension able to load the configuration error.

I hope this will help the next desperate soul who ends up on this page...

like image 65
Radu Murzea Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10

Radu Murzea