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There is no existing directory at /storage/logs and its not buildable: Permission denied

I have a problem with my Laravel deployment on a OVH web server. After made

composer update  php artisan cache:clear  php artisan route:clear  php artisan dump-autoload 

I have this answer:
There is no existing directory at /storage/logs and its not buildable: Permission denied
I put all the files on 777 chmod but I have always this answer.

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Timothée Avatar asked Jun 26 '18 10:06


1 Answers

Please try the following commands

php artisan route:clear  php artisan config:clear  php artisan cache:clear 

Note: In case you are a Homestead & VirtualBox user, please be sure that your VirtualBox is up to date.

It helped in this thread at laracasts

like image 158
frankfurt-laravel Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10
