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There are unrecoverable errors which must be corrected first

I have ADT Eclipse Project and I want to just import that project in android studio.

But I got this error There are unrecoverable errors which must be corrected first.

This is screenshot of Error

like image 350
Vidhi Avatar asked Jan 24 '15 06:01


3 Answers

The error is saying that your project depends on google_Play_Service_Lib and android studio is not able to find that dependency, but what android studio did is giving you the path where you can paste that library and then you will able to import that project.

first download google_service_lib from




and now paste that in


now again import..

like image 80
Moubeen Farooq Khan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Moubeen Farooq Khan

find project.properties

open it,

delete(No package)android.library.reference.1=../android-support-v7-appcompat later,you need download the package.

link http://blog.csdn.net/wu_wxc/article/details/47091795

like image 43
C.Shen Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09


You need to add the

 in the folder
 and re-import the project.
like image 39
Sanjeet A Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Sanjeet A