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There are many image file in my drawable directory. Is it bad?

In my Android project, I used so many icons, images and SVG resources. In my drawable directory, there are 220-230 file I guess. Is it bad to store too many resources for my app, really I don't know. Thank you for your helpings.

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r3cc Avatar asked Jan 25 '23 17:01


1 Answers

No it is fine as long as you use all the drawables, it increases the size of the application. If you want to reduce the size, go through all the images and see if you can reuse a few. e.g suppose you have few logos then try to come up with a single logo to use everywhere to maintain consistency. This is a design perspective actually. So the best way is to consult a designer who will go through the whole app flow and make suggestions for a better user experience. Also just a FYI try to stick to a single theme across the app and to use text view if possible instead of image view to reduce the app size.

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Shayan Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 18:01
