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There are any guides on implementing an in-app tutorial for iPhone? [closed]

Do you know some resource (url, pdf, etc.) that can help me to do an in-app tutorial?

Let me explain better: the first time that the user uses my iPhone app, I want to put bubble messages pointing/describing each part of the interface.

The problem is that I don't know where to start. :D

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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reinaldoluckman Avatar asked Jul 20 '10 06:07


1 Answers

Here’s a low-tech answer:

  1. Take a screen shot of your app
  2. Import it into Photoshop (or the equivalent, like Acorn)
  3. Draw all the boxes and arrows you want
  4. Export as a PNG (with transparent background)
  5. Add as a UIImageView
  6. Code it to show up the first launch, and disappear on a tap

Not knowing any more about your app or the spec for the tutorial, this is by far the easiest solution.

like image 136
David Dunham Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09

David Dunham