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then method of resolved promise not called

I am trying to stub a method using sinon, jasmine and $q. I want that method to return my fake data.

The problem is that the defined then statement is never called and i can not figure out why. This already is a simplified version but it still isn't working:

  • The stub is called
  • The console log Steven Stub is called gets called
  • None of the then callbacks are called
  • No error message

Here is my code

var p = {steven: function() {console.log('original steven');}},
    pStub = sinon.stub(p, 'steven', function(){
      console.log('Steven Stub is called');
      var defer = $q.defer();
      defer.resolve({item: 5});
      return defer.promise;

var promise = p.steven();

  function(data) {console.log('ERROR?');},
  function(data) {console.log('progress?');});

Any idea?

like image 269
Andresch Serj Avatar asked Jan 11 '23 15:01

Andresch Serj

1 Answers

You need to call a digest in order to resolve a promise. In Angular 2.0 this will be fixed, (and Angular 1.2 is slightly better here than Angular 1.1) but in the meanwhile you have to call


In order to cause the promises to resolve. This is because promises work via evalAsync. See this question to learn more about how the digest cycle interacts with $q promises lifecycle.

like image 72
Benjamin Gruenbaum Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 19:01

Benjamin Gruenbaum