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The ternary operator in a one-line function

In Julia, I might want to write a function that returns 0 if the input is less than 1, or returns 2 if the input is greater than or equal to 1. This is a pretty simple function, and the verbosity of a five-line if else construct is probably excessive. So I'm trying to turn it into a one-line function. The best I can come up with is as follows:

f(x::Number) = begin (x < 1) && return(0); return(2); end


f(x::Number) = begin x < 1 ? (y=0) : (y=2); return(y); end

Are there any simpler ways to define this function?

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Colin T Bowers Avatar asked May 29 '15 03:05

Colin T Bowers

People also ask

What is the function of ternary operator?

The conditional (ternary) operator is the only JavaScript operator that takes three operands: a condition followed by a question mark ( ? ), then an expression to execute if the condition is truthy followed by a colon ( : ), and finally the expression to execute if the condition is falsy.

Which operator is used as ternary operator?

Remarks. The conditional operator (? :) is a ternary operator (it takes three operands). The conditional operator works as follows: The first operand is implicitly converted to bool .

What is the function of ternary operator in C?

We use the ternary operator in C to run one code when the condition is true and another code when the condition is false. For example, (age >= 18) ? printf("Can Vote") : printf("Cannot Vote");

What is ternary operator with example?

It helps to think of the ternary operator as a shorthand way or writing an if-else statement. Here's a simple decision-making example using if and else: int a = 10, b = 20, c; if (a < b) { c = a; } else { c = b; } printf("%d", c); This example takes more than 10 lines, but that isn't necessary.

2 Answers

julia> f(x::Number) = x < 1 ? 0 : 2
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> f(0)

julia> f(1)

julia> f(0.99)
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spencerlyon2 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09


Alternative solution:

f(x::Number) = if (x < 1) 0 else 2 end

The if-elseif-else syntax in Julia will return the value of the expression that gets executed, which imho makes the C-like ternary operator rather superfluous. As in, all of its functionality is encompassed by a more readable alternative.

Looking at your previous attempts, I think it is worth mentioning that unlike in say Python, you rarely need to explicitly use return(). Often you can just return whatever your if-elseif-else blocks return, much like you would in most lisp dialects. Explicit return is like goto or break, something that you use to break control flow in exceptional cases.

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saolof Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09
