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The "Should be easy for a junior developer to understand" argument [closed]



Does anyone actually think this is a good reason to "Dumb down" your code? When a manager asks you to make your code simple (in terms of technology skills required to understand it) at the cost of more verbose cluttered code what should you do?

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Jonathan Parker Avatar asked Jan 22 '09 04:01

Jonathan Parker

People also ask

What should a junior developer be able to do?

Junior Software Developers are entry-level software developers that assist the development team with all aspects of software design and coding. Their primary role is to learn the codebase, attend design meetings, write basic code, fix bugs, and assist the Development Manager in all design-related tasks.

What is expected of a JR developer?

A junior software developer's primary duty is to learn the codebase, work on small bug fixes, write basic code, and participate in paired programming activities with higher-level developers. As a junior developer, no one expects you to have the same level of expertise as a mid or senior-level software developer.

1 Answers

I highly disagree. Junior developers will end up being Senior developers. How? By encountering advanced topics that aren't taught in school.

My code base now makes heavy use of Inversion of Control containers. I would never revert my code to the old way because a junior developer had issues groking IoC. Instead I would take them out for a beer after work and discuss it. The more the junior dev learns the less hand holding needs to be done.

Here's a blog post discussing this very topic.

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Scott Muc Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 19:10

Scott Muc