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The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty on Celery worker run

Django version 1.9.7.

My current project structure is:

├── etl
│   ├── etl
│   ├── manage.py
│   ├── pipeline
│   └── bku
└── web
    ├── db.sqlite3
    ├── manage.py
    ├── profiles
    ├── projects
    ├── reverse
    ├── static
    ├── templates
    ├── bku
    │   ├── admin.py
    │   ├── admin.pyc
    │   ├── apps.py
    │   ├── migrations
    │   ├── models.py
    │   ├── static
    │   ├── templates
    │   ├── tests.py
    │   ├── urls.py
    │   ├── views.py
    │   └── views.pyc
    └── rocket
        ├── celery.py
        ├── __init__.py
        ├── settings
        │   ├── base.py
        │   ├── dev.py
        │   ├── __init__.py
        │   ├── local.py
        │   ├── production.py
        │   ├── test.py
        ├── urls.py
        ├── wsgi.py

Now I want to use Celery in the bku Django app. But when I run the worker celery -A rocket worker -l info I get the following error django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty.. I have the SECRET_KEY defined and I didn't have this error before trying Celery.

How can I run the worker?


from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import os
from celery import Celery

os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'rocket.settings')
app = Celery('rocket')
app.config_from_object('django.conf:settings', namespace='CELERY')

def debug_task(self):
    print('Request: {0!r}'.format(self.request))


from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from .celery import app as celery_app

__all__ = ['bku']
like image 421
srgbnd Avatar asked Nov 10 '16 16:11


1 Answers

The error message is a bit misleading—usually when you see an ImproperlyConfigured exception like that it means that Django can't find your settings file.

In your case you're setting the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable to rocket.settings, but from your directory structure it looks like it should instead be something like rocket.settings.production.

like image 51
Kevin Christopher Henry Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 19:11

Kevin Christopher Henry