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The right place to keep my signals.py file in a Django project

Based on Django's documentation I was reading, it seems like signals.py in the app folder is a good place to start with, but the problem I'm facing is that when I create signals for pre_save and I try to import the class from model it conflicts with the import in my model.

# models.py  from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from signals import *  class Comm_Queue(CommunicatorAbstract):     queue_statuses = (         ('P', _('Pending')),         ('S', _('Sent')),         ('E', _('Error')),         ('R', _('Rejected')),     )     status          = models.CharField(max_length=10, db_index=True, default='P')     is_html         = models.BooleanField(default=False)     language        = models.CharField(max_length=6, choices=settings.LANGUAGES)     sender_email    = models.EmailField()     recipient_email = models.EmailField()     subject         = models.CharField(max_length=100)     content         = models.TextField() 

# signals.py  from django.conf import settings from django.db.models.signals import pre_save from django.dispatch import receiver from models import Comm_Queue  @receiver(pre_save, sender=Comm_Queue) def get_sender_email_from_settings(sender, **kwargs):     obj=kwargs['instance']     if not obj.sender_email:         obj.sender_email='%s' % settings.ADMINS[0][1] 

This code will not run because I import Comm_Queue inside signals.py and I also import the signals inside models.py.

Can anyone advice on how I could over come this issue?


like image 476
Mo J. Mughrabi Avatar asked Aug 18 '11 22:08

Mo J. Mughrabi

People also ask

How do I add signals in Django?

There are 3 types of signal. pre_save/post_save: This signal works before/after the method save(). pre_delete/post_delete: This signal works before after delete a model's instance (method delete()) this signal is thrown.

Should I use signals Django?

Only use signals to avoid introducing circular dependencies. If you have two apps, and one app wants to trigger behaviour in an app it already knows about, don't use signals. The app should just import the function it needs and call it directly.

What is pre save signal in Django?

pre_save) is provoked just before the model save() method is called, or you could say model save method is called only after pre_save is called and done its job free of errors.

What is the use of the Post_delete signal in Django?

Django Signals - post_delete()To notify another part of the application after the delete event of an object happens, you can use the post_delete signal.

2 Answers

If you're using Django<=1.6 I'd recommend Kamagatos solution: just import your signals at the end of your models module.

For future versions of Django (>=1.7), the recommended way is to import your signals module in your app's config ready() function:


from django.apps import AppConfig  class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):     name = 'my_app'      def ready(self):         import my_app.signals 


default_app_config = 'my_app.apps.MyAppConfig' 
like image 102
Eric Marcos Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10

Eric Marcos

Original answer, for Django < 1.7:

You can register the signals by importing signals.py in the app's __init__.py file:

# __init__.py import signals 

This will allow to import models.py from signals.py without circular import errors.

One problem with this approach is that it messes up the coverage results if you're using coverage.py.

Related discussion

Edit: For Django >= 1.7:

Since AppConfig was introduced, the recommended way of importing signals is in its init() function. See Eric Marcos' answer for more details.

like image 35
yprez Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10
