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The RESTful way to include or not include children of a resource?





Say I have a team object, that has a name property, a city property and a players property, where the players property is a an array of possibly many players. This is represented in an SQL database with a teams table and a players table, where each player has a name and a team_id.

Building a RESTful api based on this simple data-structure, I'm in doubt if there is a clear rule regarding, if the return object should/could include a list of players, when hitting /teams/:id ?

I have a view, that needs to show a team, and its players with their names, so:

1: Should /teams/:id join the two tables behind the scene and return the full team object, with a players property, that is an array of names and id's?

2: Should /teams/:id join the two tables behind the scene and return the team object, with a players property, that is an array of just id's that will then have to be queried one-by-one to /players/:id ?

3: Should two calls be made, one to /teams/:id and one to /teams/:id/players ?

4: Should a query string be used like this /teams/:id?fields=name,city,players ?

If either 2 or 3 is the way to go, how would one approach the situation, where a team could also have multiple cities, resulting in another cities table in the DB to keep it normalized? Should a new endpoint then be created at /teams/:id/cities.

When creating RESTful API's, is it the normalized datastructure in the DB that dictates the endpoints in the API?

like image 733
acrmuui Avatar asked Mar 11 '14 17:03


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1 Answers

Usually with a RESTful API, it is best that the use-cases dictate the endpoints of the API, not necessarily the data structure.

If you sometimes need just the teams, sometimes need just the players of a team, and sometimes need both together, I would have 3 distinct calls, probably something like /teams/:id, /players/:teamid and player-teams/:teamid (or something similar).

The reason you want to do it this way is because it minimizes the number of HTTP requests that need to be made for any given page. Of all of the typical performance issues, an inflated number of HTTP requests is usually one of the most common performance hits, and usually one of the easiest to avoid.

That being said, you also don't want to go so crazy that you create an over-inflated API. Think through the typical use cases and make calls for those. Don't just implement every possible combination you can think of just for the sake of it. Remember You Aren't Gonna Need It.

like image 152
samanime Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 21:10
