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The REST API is not enabled for this Organization (Salesforce API using databasedotcom gem) in Rails

I recently integrated Salesforce API via databasedotcom gem to my Rails 3.2 app.

Also, there's a background job for the synchronization of data.

Upon, logging in my Professional edition Salesforce account, the Resque job failed and it displayed this error...

The REST API is not enabled for this Organization.

How will I be able to enable API even for Professional Editions?

I've tried to use Developer Edition and got no problem.

Are there specific editions that are allowed to use REST API in Salesforce?

How about trial version of Professional Edition?

Thanks. And Have a great day!

like image 946
xirukitepe Avatar asked Sep 03 '13 06:09


1 Answers

By any chance are you on Developer Edition? verify that you have the “API Enabled” permission.

In case of Professional Edition you may have to contact Salesforce support to enable API.

For EE and UE it is automatically enabled.

below are the two links that may help you



like image 129
Rajarshi Das Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 04:11

Rajarshi Das