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The project was not built due to "Could not delete 'project/bin/classes/com',"

I've seen this error before and I've solved it before by just cleaning a project but this time it just doesn't work. This error sometimes appears when I import a certain project from existing code.

Things I've tried so far:

  • Clean the project (this fixes it just for long enough so I can compile it but then the error reappears, it gets annoying to clean the project every time when I want to compile it)

  • Deleted bin folder manually and then cleaned the project (same effect as "clean" option, it fixed the problem for a minute)

I've done a lot of research on this and everyone says that cleaning the project should fix it but it doesn't.

EDIT: Some additional details:

  • I'm using the latest version of eclipse

  • My workspace is in a Dropbox synced folder because I'm sharing it between two computers (maybe the problem lies there?)

  • When I click on the console tab, there's one more error saying "unable to write jarlist cache file C:/users/user/dropbox/android development/workspace/project/bin/jarlist.cache"

like image 918
Guy Avatar asked Dec 01 '13 12:12


1 Answers

I found where the problem was. It's because I have the workspace in a dropbox folder. That's a shame because I really want to sync workspace between computers. The error goes away when I "pause" dropbox sysncing and comes back when I run it again.

like image 114
Guy Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 02:11
