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The <Out()> Attribute. What useful purpose does is serve?

Under System.Runtime.InteropServices the <Out()> Attribute exists. But what is it for? I would be glad if you could use the following example as base for your answers.

 Shared Sub Add(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, <Out()> ByRef Result As Integer)
  Result = x + y
 End Sub
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OrElse Avatar asked Jan 24 '11 11:01


3 Answers

The purpose of that attribute is twofold:

  • Call-site handling, whether to enforce variable initialization or not
  • Marshalling

If you were to call that method from C#, or a similar language with similar semantics, such a parameter would be known to the compiler to not need an initial value.

In other words, you can do this:

int a;
CallSomeMethodWithOutParameter(out a);

and the compiler knows that there is no need to ensure that a already has a value before making the call.

On the other hand, without the attribute, the following would be needed, again in C#:

int a = 0;                               // <-- notice initialization here
CallSomeMethodWithOutParameter(ref a);   // <-- and ref here

The other purpose is for method calls that will be marshalled into a different calling context, for instance through P/Invoke, to a different app-domain, or to a web service, to notify marshalling routines that the parameter in question will contain a value when the method returns, but there is no need to pass any value into the method when calling it.

This might make a difference when parameters and return values needs to be packaged up and transported to the remote location where the actual call goes through.

In other words, if you were to specify that on a method call used through P/Invoke, no marshalling will be done of the existing parameter value when the method is called, but when the method returns its value is lifted back into your calling code.

Note that this optimization is up to the marshalling routine to use, or not, these are implementation details. The attribute just tells the routine which parameters it can do that with, it is not an instruction that will always be followed.

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Lasse V. Karlsen Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Lasse V. Karlsen

It means the parameter is seen as an "out" parameter by C#, for one thing. In that case, the C# compiler will assume that:

  • Any existing value of the variable passed by reference is irrelevant, so definite assignment doesn't matter
  • The variable will have been assigned an appropriate value by the time the method returns, unless there's an exception - so it's definitely assigned at the end of the statement.

Other languages may choose to use the [Out] attribute in different ways, of course, but that sort of interpretation is the most natural one. Basically it says that the parameter is almost like an extra return value. (There are plenty of differences of course, of varying degrees of subtlety, but that's the general feeling of an out parameter.)

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09

Jon Skeet

It is used in ComVisible types to indicate that the generated COM type library should decorate the parameter with the [out] attribute.

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Joe Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09
