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The object-functional impedance mismatch

In OOP it is good practice to talk to interfaces not to implementations. So, e.g., you write something like this (by Seq I mean scala.collection.immutable.Seq :)):

// talk to the interface - good OOP practice
doSomething[A](xs: Seq[A]) = ???

not something like the following:

// talk to the implementation - bad OOP practice
doSomething[A](xs: List[A]) = ???

However, in pure functional programming languages, such as Haskell, you don't have subtype polymorphism and use, instead, ad hoc polymorphism through type classes. So, for example, you have the list data type and a monadic instance for list. You don't need to worry about using an interface/abstract class because you don't have such a concept.

In hybrid languages, such as Scala, you have both type classes (through a pattern, actually, and not first-class citizens as in Haskell, but I digress) and subtype polymorphism. In scalaz, cats and so on you have monadic instances for concrete types, not for the abstract ones, of course.

Finally the question: given this hybridism of Scala do you still respect the OOP rule to talk to interfaces or just talk to concrete types to take advantage of functors, monads and so on directly without having to convert to a concrete type whenever you need to use them? Put differently, is in Scala still good practice to talk to interfaces even if you want to embrace FP instead of OOP? If not, what if you chose to use List and, later on, you realized that a Vector would have been a better choice?

P.S.: In my examples I used a simple method, but the same reasoning applies to user defined types. E.g.:

case class Foo(bars: Seq[Bar], ...)
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lambdista Avatar asked May 09 '16 12:05


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1 Answers

What I would attack here is your "concrete vs. interface" concept. Look at it this way: every type has an interface, in the general sense of the term "interface." A "concrete" type is just a limiting case.

So let's look at Haskell lists from this angle. What's the interface of a list? Well, lists are an algebraic data type, and all such data types have the same general form of interface and contract:

  1. You can construct instances of the type using its constructors according to their arities and argument types;
  2. You can observe instances of the type by matching against their constructors according to their arities and argument types;
  3. Construction and observation are inverses—when you pattern match against a value, what you get out is exactly what was put into it.

If you look at it in these terms, I think the following rule works pretty well in either paradigm:

  • Choose types whose interfaces and contracts match exactly with your requirements.
    • If their contract is weaker than your requirements, then they won't maintain invariants that you need;
    • If their contracts are stronger than your requirements, you may unintentionally couple yourself to the "extra" details and limit your ability to change the program later on.

So you no longer ask whether a type is "concrete" or "abstract"—just whether it fits your requirements.

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Luis Casillas Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Luis Casillas