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The most idiomatic way to iterate through a Ruby array, exiting when an arbitrary condition met?

I want to iterate through an array, each element of which is an array of two integers (e.g. `[3,5]'); for each of these elements, I want to calculate the sum of the two integers, exiting the loop when any of these sums exceeds a certain arbitrary value. The source array is quite large, and I will likely find the desired value near the beginning, so looping through all of the unneeded elements is not a good option.

I have written three loops to do this, all of which produce the desired result. My question is: which is more idiomatic Ruby? Or--better yet--is there a better way? I try not to use non-local loop variables in, but break statements look kind of hackish to my (admittedly novice) eye.

# Loop A
pairs.each do |pair|
  pair_sum = pair.inject(:+) 
  arr1 << pair_sum
  break if pair_sum > arr2.max

#Loop B - (just A condensed)
pairs.each { |pair| arr1.last <= arr2.max ? arr1 << pair.inject(:+) : break }

#Loop C
i = 0
pair_sum = 0
  pair_sum = pairs[i].inject(:+)
  arr1 << pair_sum
  i += 1
end until pair_sum > arr2.max

A similar question was asked at escaping the .each { } iteration early in Ruby, but the responses were essentially that, while using .each or .each_with_index and exiting with break when the target index was reached would work, .take(num_elements).each is more idiomatic. In my situation, however, I don't know in advance how many elements I'll have to iterate through, presenting me with what appears to be a boundary case.

This is from a project Euler-type problem I've already solved, btw. Just wondering about the community-preferred syntax. Thanks in advance for your valuable time.

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jdburns Avatar asked Apr 30 '13 08:04


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2 Answers

take and drop have a variant take_while and drop_while where instead of providing a fixed number of elements you provide a block. Ruby will accumulate values from the receiver (in the case of take_while) as long as the block returns true. Your code could be rewritten as

array.take_while {|pair| pair.sum < foo}.map(&:sum)

This does mean that you calculate the sum of some of these pairs twice.

like image 90
Frederick Cheung Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 15:11

Frederick Cheung

In Ruby 2.0 there's Enumerable#lazy which returns a lazy enumerator:

sums = pairs.lazy.map { |a, b| a + b }.take_while { |pair_sum| pair_sum < some_max_value }.force

This avoids calculating the sums twice.

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Stefan Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11
