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The loss function decreases, but accuracy on train set does not change in tensorflow

I am trying to implement a simple gender classifier using deep convolutional neural networks using tensorflow. I have found this model and implemented it.

def create_model_v2(data):

    cl1_desc = {'weights':weight_variable([7,7,3,96]), 'biases':bias_variable([96])}
    cl2_desc = {'weights':weight_variable([5,5,96,256]), 'biases':bias_variable([256])}
    cl3_desc = {'weights':weight_variable([3,3,256,384]), 'biases':bias_variable([384])}
    fc1_desc = {'weights':weight_variable([240000, 128]), 'biases':bias_variable([128])}
    fc2_desc = {'weights':weight_variable([128,128]), 'biases':bias_variable([128])}
    fc3_desc = {'weights':weight_variable([128,2]), 'biases':bias_variable([2])}
    cl1 = conv2d(data,cl1_desc['weights'] + cl1_desc['biases'])
    cl1 = tf.nn.relu(cl1)
    pl1 = max_pool_nxn(cl1,3,[1,2,2,1])
    lrm1 = tf.nn.local_response_normalization(pl1)
    cl2 = conv2d(lrm1, cl2_desc['weights'] + cl2_desc['biases'])
    cl2 = tf.nn.relu(cl2)
    pl2 = max_pool_nxn(cl2,3,[1,2,2,1])
    lrm2 = tf.nn.local_response_normalization(pl2)
    cl3 = conv2d(lrm2, cl3_desc['weights'] + cl3_desc['biases'])
    cl3 = tf.nn.relu(cl3)
    pl3 = max_pool_nxn(cl3,3,[1,2,2,1])
    fl = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(cl3)
    fc1 = tf.add(tf.matmul(fl, fc1_desc['weights']), fc1_desc['biases'])
    drp1 = tf.nn.dropout(fc1,0.5)
    fc2 = tf.add(tf.matmul(drp1, fc2_desc['weights']), fc2_desc['biases'])
    drp2 = tf.nn.dropout(fc2,0.5)
    fc3 = tf.add(tf.matmul(drp2, fc3_desc['weights']), fc3_desc['biases'])

    return fc3  

What I need to note at this point is that I have also done all the pre-processing steps described in the paper, however my images are resized to 100x100x3 instead of the 277x277x3.

I have defined the the logits to be [0,1] for females and [1,0] for males

x = tf.placeholder('float',[None,100,100,3])
y = tf.placeholder('float',[None,2])

And have defined the training procedure as follows:

def train(x, hm_epochs, LR):
    #prediction = create_model_v2(x)
    prediction = create_model_v2(x)
    cost = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits  = prediction, labels = y) )
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=LR).minimize(cost)
    batch_size = 50
    correct = tf.equal(tf.argmax(prediction, 1), tf.argmax(y, 1))
    accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, 'float'))
    with tf.Session() as sess:

        for epoch in range(hm_epochs):
            epoch_loss = 0
            i = 0
            while i < (len(x_train)):
                start = i
                end = i + batch_size
                batch_x = x_train[start:end]
                batch_y = y_train[start:end]
                whatever, vigen = sess.run([optimizer, cost], feed_dict = {x:batch_x, y:batch_y})
                epoch_loss += vigen

            print('Epoch',  epoch ,'loss:',epoch_loss/len(x_train))
            if (epoch+1) % 2 == 0:
                j = 0
                acc = []
                while j < len(x_test):
                    acc += [accuracy.eval(feed_dict = {x:x_test[j:j + 10], y:y_test[j:j+10]})]
                    j+= 10
                print ('accuracy after', epoch + 1, 'epochs on test set: ', sum(acc)/len(acc))

                j = 0
                acc = []
                while j < len(x_train):
                    acc += [accuracy.eval(feed_dict = {x:x_train[j:j + 10], y:y_train[j:j+10]})]
                    j+= 10
                print ('accuracy after', epoch, ' epochs on train set:', sum(acc)/len(acc))

Half of the code above is just for outputting test and train accuracies every 2 epochs.

Anyhow the loss starts high at first epoch

('Epoch', 0, 'loss:', 148.87030902462453)

('Epoch', 1, 'loss:', 0.01549744715988636)

('accuracy after', 2, 'epochs on test set: ', 0.33052011888510396)

('accuracy after', 1, ' epochs on train set:', 0.49607501227222384)

('Epoch', 2, 'loss:', 0.015493246909976005)

What am I missing?

and continues like this keeping the accuracy at 0.5 for train set.

EDIT: the functions weights variable, conv2d and max_pool_nn are

def bias_variable(shape):
    initial = tf.constant(0.1, shape=shape)
    return tf.Variable(initial)

def weight_variable(shape):
    initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.1)
    return tf.Variable(initial)

def avg_pool_nxn(x, n, strides):
    return tf.nn.avg_pool(x, ksize=[1,n,n,1], strides = strides,padding = 'SAME')

def max_pool_nxn(x, n, strides):
    return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1,n,n,1], strides = strides, padding = 'SAME')

def conv2d(x, W,stride = [1,1,1,1]):
    return tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides = stride, padding = 'SAME') 

EDIT 2 - Problem solved

The Problem was fascinatingly related to parameter initialization. Changing the weight initialization from Normal Distribution to Xavier initialization worked wonders and accuracy ended up at about 86%. If anyone is interested here is the original paper http://proceedings.mlr.press/v9/glorot10a/glorot10a.pdf, if anyone knows and cares to explain exactly why Xavier works well with convnets and images feel free to post an answer.

like image 460
Vahagn Tumanyan Avatar asked Aug 05 '17 10:08

Vahagn Tumanyan

People also ask

Why loss decreases but accuracy stays the same?

This means you are overfitting (training loss diminished but no improvement in validation loss/accuracy) so you should try using any technique that helps reduce overfitting: weight decay, more dropout, data augmentation (if applicable)…

Does loss function affect accuracy?

Higher loss is the worse(bad prediction) for any model. The loss is calculated on training and validation and its interpretation is how well the model is doing for these two sets. Unlike accuracy, a loss is not a percentage. It is a sum of the errors made for each example in training or validation sets.

Does a decrease in loss error directly translate into an increase in accuracy?

Most of the time we would observe that accuracy increases with the decrease in loss -- but this is not always the case. Accuracy and loss have different definitions and measure different things. They often appear to be inversely proportional but there is no mathematical relationship between these two metrics.

Is it possible for your test loss and test accuracy to both increase at the same time?

If the loss increases and the accuracy increase too is because your regularization techniques are working well and you're fighting the overfitting problem. This is true only if the loss, then, starts to decrease whilst the accuracy continues to increase.

1 Answers

Proper initialisation of weights is often crucial to getting deeper neural nets to train.

Xavier initialisation is derived with the goal of ensuring that the variance of the output at each neuron is expected to be 1.0 (see here). This generally relies on the additional assumption that your inputs are standardised to have mean 0 and variance of 1, so it is important to also ensure this.

For ReLU units, I believe He initialisation is actually considered best practice. This requires initialising from a zero-mean Gaussian distribution with standard deviation:


Where n is the number of input units. See the Lasagne docs for best practices for some other activation functions.

On a side note, batch normalisation can often reduce the dependence of model performance on weights initialisation.

like image 169
nlml Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09
