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"The location of Firebird Client Library could not be determined."


I encountered a similar problem as dicussed in here:

Firebird embedded installation issue: library could not be determined

I'm running a python(3.5.2) script via ubuntu (16.04.4 LTS) which is connected to a firebird database. For installing firebird I followed the instructions provided in here:


Now, when I run the python code the following error is displayed:

Soft limit starts as  :-1
Soft limit changed to :1024
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "clustering_setup.py", line 30, in <module>
    graph, posi_knoten, kanten_bewertung, auslassliste = build_netzwerk.create_graph()
  File "/home/ubuntu/Documents/Code/build_netzwerk.py", line 113, in create_graph
  File "/home/ubuntu/Documents/Code/datenbank_custom.py", line 19, in start
    con = fdb.connect(database=idbf_file, user='sysdba', password='pass')
  File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/fdb/fbcore.py", line 682, in connect
  File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/fdb/fbcore.py", line 181, in load_api
  File "/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/fdb/ibase.py", line 1398, in __init__
    raise Exception("The location of Firebird Client Library could not be determined.")
Exception: The location of Firebird Client Library could not be determined.

if I examine where the files are located this is what is shown to me:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ dpkg -L firebird2.5-classic-common

output of locate libfbclient:


applying cat /etc/ld.so.conf.d/* leads to:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Documents/Code$ cat /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*
# Multiarch support
# libc default configuration
# Multiarch support

result for ldconfig -p | grep libfbclient

libfbclient.so.2 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfbclien.so.2

thats the script im running!

from datetime import datetime
import funcs
import build_netzwerk
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
import funcs_nachbearb
import config

start = datetime.now()

# abstandsgewichteten Graphen berechnen
graph, posi_knoten, kanten_bewertung, auslassliste = build_netzwerk.create_graph()

# zurückgegebene Werte bestimmen
if config.clusteringtyp == 'sohlhoehe':
    kanten_durchfluss = kanten_bewertung[1].copy()
    kanten_bewertung = kanten_bewertung[0].copy()
elif config.clusteringtyp == 'durchfluss':
    kanten_durchfluss = kanten_bewertung.copy()
    kanten_durchfluss = kanten_bewertung.copy()
    kanten_bewertung = None

# minimalen Optimierungsfaktor bestimmen
print(datetime.now() - start)
erg_min = minimize_scalar(funcs.optimiere_cluster, args=(graph, kanten_bewertung, auslassliste, 'min'),
                          bounds=(0, 10), method='bounded')
# print(erg_min)

# maximalen Optimierungsfaktor bestimmen
print(datetime.now() - start)
erg_max = minimize_scalar(funcs.optimiere_cluster, args=(graph, kanten_bewertung, auslassliste, 'max'),
                          bounds=(erg_min.x, 10), method='bounded')
# print(erg_max)

# besten Optimierungsfaktor bestimmen
print(datetime.now() - start)
clustersammlung = funcs.bruteforce_optim(erg_min.x, erg_max.x, graph, kanten_bewertung, auslassliste,

print(datetime.now() - start)

# Clusternummerierung soll von 0 bis Anzahl gewünschter Cluster laufen

# Bewertung der Cluster berechnen
print(funcs_nachbearb.cluster_bewertung(clustersammlung, graph, kanten_durchfluss))

# Clusterhierarchie berechnen
print(funcs_nachbearb.cluster_hierarchie(clustersammlung, graph))

# Schächte der Messstationen ausgeben
ms = ""
for key in clustersammlung.keys():
    ms = ms + clustersammlung[key].endpoint + ", "
ms.rstrip(", ")
print("Messstationen: " + ms)

# Einflussgebiete auf die Messstationen ausgeben
for key in clustersammlung.keys():
    print("Einflussgebiet von Cluster " + str(key) + ": " + ", ".join(clustersammlung[key].nodes))

print(datetime.now() - start)

# entstehenden Grpahen mit Clustern zeichnen
funcs.draw_clustered_graph(graph, posi_knoten, clustersammlung)

print(datetime.now() - start)


import fdb

con = None

def start(idbf_file):
    Verbindung mit idbf-Datenbank aufbauen

    :param idbf_file: (str) Dateipfad zur Datenbank

    global con
    con = fdb.connect(database=idbf_file, user='sysdba', password='pass')

def stop():
    Verbindung mit idbf-Datenbank trennen

    global con

def read_from_db_single(sqlstatement):
    Allgemeine Funktion um einen einzelnen Wert aus dem IDBF-File auszulesen

    :param sqlstatement: (str) SQL-Abfrage zum auslesen eines Wertes

    :return results: abgefragter Wert

    curs = con.cursor()  # Use a client side cursor so you can access curs.rowcount
    results = curs.fetchone()

    if results:
        results = results[0]

    del curs
    return results

def read_from_db(sqlstatement):
    Allgemeine Funktion um Daten aus dem IDBF-File auszulesen

    :param sqlstatement: (str) SQL-Abfrage an Datenbank

    :return results: Rückgabe der Abfrage

    curs = con.cursor()  # Use a client side cursor so you can access curs.rowcount
    results = curs.fetchall()

    del curs
    return results

def read_network(infotyp=None):
    Gibt die Knoten und die Kanten für das Kanalnetzmodel zurück.
    Alle Schachttypen sind Knoten, alle Haltungen, Sonderbauwerke, ... sind Kanten

    :param infotyp: (str) String zur Erweiterung der SELECT-Werte an die Kanten

    :return results_knoten: (list(tuple(str, float, float))) Listen der Knoteninformationen
    :return results_kanten: (list(tuple(str, float, float, [...]))) Listen der Kanteninformationen;
                            list(tuple(name, schachtoben, -unten, infotyp[i])
    :return results_sonderkanten: (list(tuple(str, float, float))) Listen der Sonderkanteninformationen

    erweiterung = ''
    if infotyp is not None:
        erweiterung = infotyp


    kanten = "SELECT name,schachtoben,schachtunten" + erweiterung + " from ROHR UNION " + \
             "SELECT name,schachtoben,schachtunten" + erweiterung + " from HREGLER UNION " + \
             "SELECT name,schachtoben,schachtunten" + erweiterung + " from QREGLER;"

    sonderkanten = "SELECT name,schachtoben,schachtunten from DROSSEL UNION " + \
                   "SELECT name,schachtoben,schachtunten from GRUNDSEITENAUSLASS UNION " + \
                   "SELECT name,schachtoben,schachtunten from PUMPE UNION " + \
                   "SELECT name,schachtoben,schachtunten from SCHIEBER UNION " + \
                   "SELECT name,schachtoben,schachtunten from WEHR;"

    curs = con.cursor()  # Use a client side cursor so you can access curs.rowcount

    results_knoten = list(curs.fetchall())

    results_kanten = list(curs.fetchall())

    results_sonderkanten = list(curs.fetchall())

    del curs

    return results_knoten, results_kanten, results_sonderkanten

I'd appreciate your advise on that, because I have absolutely no clue how to fix that particular issue!

like image 450
Olli Avatar asked Mar 19 '18 10:03


1 Answers

I installed Ubuntu 16.04.4 as a fresh VM, and only did an sudo apt-get update/sudo apt-get upgrade

And then did the following:

sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install libfbclient2
mkdir fdb-experiment
cd fdb-experiment
pip3 install fdb
nano connect.py

With connect.py:

import fdb

# is my Windows machine with Firebird
con = fdb.connect(dsn='', user='sysdba', password='masterkey')
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select * from rdb$database")


python3 connect.py


[(None, 225, None, 'ISO8859_1                      ')]

I did have to restart my VM in between because of some networking problems to the Windows host OS (which is running the Firebird server I used). I can only reproduce your problem if I perform sudo apt remove libfbclient2.

In other words, I can't reproduce your problem. The only thing I can think of is that maybe you're using an older version of fdb (I'm using 1.8) which locates the client library in a different way (but as your stacktrace has the same line numbers I see if I remove libfbclient2, that is likely not the case).

You might want to try if running sudo ldconfig fixes the problem, this will rebuild the cache of shared libraries. If that doesn't work, then check if cat /etc/ld.so.conf.d/* lists /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu (if it doesn't, then I'm not entirely sure what would be the correct course of action to fix that).

like image 163
Mark Rotteveel Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10

Mark Rotteveel