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The Little Schemer evens-only*&co


I'm having difficulty understanding what's going on with The Little Schemer's evens-only*&co example on page 145.

Here's the code:

(define evens-only*&co
 (lambda (l col)
    ((null? l)
     (col '() 1 0))
    ((atom? (car l))
      ((even? (car l))
       (evens-only*&co (cdr l)
                    (lambda (newl product sum)
                      (col (cons (car l) newl)
                           (opx (car l) product)
       (evens-only*&co (cdr l)
                    (lambda (newl product sum)
                      (col newl product (op+ (car l) sum)))))))
     (evens-only*&co (car l)
                  (lambda (newl product sum)
                    (evens-only*&co (cdr l)
                                    (lambda (dnewl dproduct dsum)
                                      (col (cons newl dnewl)
                                           (opx product dproduct)
                                           (op+ sum dsum))))))))))

The initial col can be:

(define evens-results
 (lambda (newl product sum)
   (cons sum (cons product newl))))

What I'm not getting is, with l as '((1) 2 3), it goes immediately into the final else with (car l) as (1) and (cdr l) as (2 3). Good, but my mind goes blank trying to sort out the dnewl, dproduct, dsum from the newl, product, sum. It also would be helpful if somebody could coach me on how to set up DrRacket or Chez Scheme or MIT-Scheme for running a stepper.

But maybe I'm spazzing too early. Is any beginner reading this for the first time actually supposed to understand this wild continuation?