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The LINQ expression 'First()' could not be translated and will be evaluated locally. when using groupby

After upgrading to ef core 3.0. i am having issues with grouping my results. If i remove the grouping section it works fine. But of course i need to get a sum of the amount so need it.

IQueryable<ShackGapiModel> models = _context.Offers
                .Where(i => i.Amount > 0)
                .Select(o => new ShackGapiModel
                    Id = o.Shack.Id,
                    Title = o.Shack.Title,
                    AmountOnExchange = o.Amount
                .GroupBy(i => i.Id)
                .Select(s => new ShackGapiModel
                    Id = s.First().Id,
                    Title = s.First().Title,
                    AmountOnExchange = s.Sum(a => a.AmountOnExchange)                   
like image 427
zawisza Avatar asked Oct 20 '19 20:10


2 Answers

Reason for this is EFCore unable to translate your linq query into sql query. Therefore it is taking data into memory and apply your linq after that. It is very memory consuming thing.



If a query can't be fully translated, then either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or use AsEnumerable(), ToList(), or similar to explicitly bring data back to the client where it can then be further processed using LINQ-to-Objects.

As alternative way, I prefer to use Max(), when taking values other than group key.

IQueryable<ShackGapiModel> models = _context.Offers
                .Where(i => i.Amount > 0)
                .GroupBy(i => i.Id)
                .Select(s => new ShackGapiModel
                    Id = = s.Key.Value,
                    Title = s.Max(a => a.title),
                    AmountOnExchange = s.Sum(a => a.AmountOnExchange)                   
like image 139
cdev Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 18:11


I think the actual sql query you eventually want is something like:

,   s.Title
,   s.Id
,   Sum(o.Amount) AmountOnExchange
FROM [Offers] o
JOIN [Schack] s ON o.schack_id = s.id
WHERE o.Amount > 0
GROUP BY s.Id, s.Title

In SQL you have to group by every field you want to reference in the select. The query optimizer is smart enough to just group by the ID if it is included.

Translating this back into Linq you'd get something like:

var models = _context.Offers
    .Where(o => o.Amount > 0)
    .GroupBy(o => new {o.Shack.Id, o.Shack.Title})
    .Select(group => new ShackGapiModel
             Id = = group.Key.Id,
             Title = group.Key.Title,
             AmountOnExchange = group.Sum(o => o.Amount)                   


var models = 
    from o in _context.Offers
    where o.Amount > 0
    group o by new {o.Shack.Id, o.Shack.Title} into g
    select new ShackGapiModel
             Id = = g.Key.Id,
             Title = g.Key.Title,
             AmountOnExchange = g.Sum(o => o.Amount)                   
like image 33
realbart Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 19:11
