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The library 'javacv-android-arm.jar' contains native libraries that will not run on the device

How can I resolve this issue?

I've just copy javacv jar files under my project Lib folder and got this error!

I can find this thread from google but the page can not be opened because of google restrictions policy in my country unfortunately.

The reason I include these jars in my android application is that I do not want to use openCV manager. I want to statically link openCV library to my project. I am trying to run my app on Samsung Galaxy S5.

Here is the LogCat errors I've got:

[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition] The library 'javacv-android-arm.jar' contains native libraries that will not run on the device.
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition] The following libraries were found:
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniARToolKitPlus.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniavcodec.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniavdevice.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniavfilter.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniavformat.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniavutil.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjnicvkernels.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_calib3d.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_contrib.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_core.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_features2d.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_flann.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_highgui.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_imgproc.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_legacy.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_ml.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_nonfree.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_objdetect.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_photo.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_stitching.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_video.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniopencv_videostab.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjnipostproc.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniswresample.so
[2014-07-16 10:13:57 - face-recognition]  - com/googlecode/javacv/cpp/android-arm/libjniswscale.so

EDIT-1 After I follow the instruction in here, thanks to PRAKASH I could resolve these errors, but I have got other errors which are totally related to NoClassDefFoundError. I really give up. I can not resolve the issue, so any help would be really appreciated. Here are my new errors:

07-22 08:48:54.472: E/dalvikvm(11694): Could not find class 'com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core$MatVector', referenced from method org.opencv.javacv.facerecognition.PersonRecognizer.train
07-22 08:48:54.472: W/dalvikvm(11694): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 108 (Lcom/googlecode/javacv/cpp/opencv_core$MatVector;) in Lorg/opencv/javacv/facerecognition/PersonRecognizer;
07-22 08:48:54.472: D/dalvikvm(11694): VFY: replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x001c
07-22 08:48:54.472: D/dalvikvm(11694): DexOpt: unable to opt direct call 0x00c9 at 0x28 in Lorg/opencv/javacv/facerecognition/PersonRecognizer;.train
07-22 08:48:54.472: D/AndroidRuntime(11694): Shutting down VM
07-22 08:48:54.472: W/dalvikvm(11694): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x41737c08)
07-22 08:48:54.477: E/AndroidRuntime(11694): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
07-22 08:48:54.477: E/AndroidRuntime(11694): Process: org.opencv.javacv.facerecognition, PID: 11694
07-22 08:48:54.477: E/AndroidRuntime(11694): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_contrib
like image 803
A23149577 Avatar asked Jul 16 '14 05:07


1 Answers

download Javacv latest version

and extract it and put ffmpeg.jar ,javacv.jar ,javacpp.jar and opencv.jar in libs folder of your project

and also extract all *.so from extracted

opencv-android-arm.jar,ffmpeg-android-arm.jar files.

and put all *.so files inside libs/armeabi folder

for more information click here

it may solve your problem .

like image 137
Mr X Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09

Mr X