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The item with identity 'Id' already exists in the metadata collection. Parameter name: item

All of my entities have a base class:

public class Entity<TKey> : IEntity<TKey>
    dynamic IEntity.Id
            return this.Id;
            this.Id = value;

    public TKey Id { get; set; }

For example Status entity:

public partial class Status : Entity<byte>
       public string Title { get; set; }

When I run the query against the database I get the following error: "The item with identity 'Id' already exists in the metadata collection. Parameter name: item". Is there any way to fix this or it's an issue caused by inheritance and I can't inherit my entities from any class?

like image 890
beardeddev Avatar asked Apr 22 '14 07:04


1 Answers

It seems a generic error, searching for some insights, I saw that:

Two tables can have the same name for a primary key. Look at the LightSwitch tables, they all have a primary key called Id.

At http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/bd8d47da-d1b4-4be8-a7e5-193fb5360060/the-item-with-identity-actionpk-already-exists-in-the-metadata-collection?forum=lightswitch

So, I review all entities and I get an entity with a Identiy data type changed and a inherit another class it has int Id property.

Do I change this public new string Id { get; set; } to public string Id { get; set; } like others and remove the inherit and everything works fine.

like image 56
Alexsandro Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 03:10
