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The ideal way to write permutation function in OCaml

Given a list, and output a list of all its permutations.

Here is my thinking:

Recursively, a permutation of hd::tl is to distribute hd into each list of the permutations of tl. By distributing hd, I mean inserting hd into every possible slot among the list.

For example, distributing 1 into [2;3] generates [[1;2;3];[2;1;3];[2;3;1]].

So here is the code

let distribute c l =
  let rec insert acc1 acc2 = function
    | [] -> acc2
    | hd::tl ->
      insert (hd::acc1) ((List.rev_append acc1 (hd::c::tl)) :: acc2) tl
  insert [] [c::l] l

let rec permutation = function
  | [] -> [[]]
  | hd::tl -> 
    List.fold_left (fun acc x -> List.rev_append (distribute hd x) acc) [] (permutation tl)

I guess the above code is correct.

My question is: is there any better way (in terms of simplicity, performance, space efficiency, etc) to write permutations in OCaml?

like image 542
Jackson Tale Avatar asked Nov 25 '13 14:11

Jackson Tale

1 Answers

Other approaches include a) for each element, prepend it to each of the permutations of the list excluding the element, or b) generate permutations from each of the n! indices. See the Rosetta Code examples. I suspect these have similar space complexities.

like image 162
Toby Kelsey Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Toby Kelsey