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The function to_excel of pandas generate an unexpected TypeError

I created a dictionary of pandas dataframe:

d[k] = pd.DataFrame(data=data[i])

So I assume that d[k] is a correct pandas dataframe.


for k in d.keys():
  d[k].to_excel (file_name)

Then I have the error:

TypeError: got invalid input value of type <class 'xml.etree.ElementTree.Element'>, expected string or Element

I am using Python 3.7, pandas 0.25.3.

Update: if I replace to_excel by to_csv, the code runs perfectly.

like image 709
mommomonthewind Avatar asked Dec 04 '19 04:12


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1 Answers

I have same problem with openpyxl=3.0.2,

Refer to this answer, I roll openpyxl back to 3.0.1(conda or pip) and it works.

>>> conda remove openpyxl
>>> conda install openpyxl==3.0.1


>>> pip uninstall openpyxl
>>> pip install openpyxl==3.0.1
like image 97
Animeta Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10
