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The delete button in activeadmin does not work, and send me to the show

The problem is that I can not delete anything from my application. I delete the views leaving only the public, the layout and admin.

<a rel="nofollow" data-method="delete" data-confirm="Are you sure you want to delete this?" href="/admin/actividades/34">Delete Actividade</a>


ActiveAdmin.register Actividade do
menu :label => "Actividades", :priority => 14

form :partial => "form"
actions :index, :show, :new, :create, :update, :edit, :destroy
index :title => "Actividades" do 
    column "Id", :id
    column "Nome",  :name
    column "Grupo", :grupo
    column "Actividade", :category
    column "Nome da imagem",  :image_file_name
    column "Video",  :video
    column "Criado a",  :created_at
    column "Atualizada a",  :updated_at



like image 231
Diogo Miguel Avatar asked Apr 17 '13 16:04

Diogo Miguel

1 Answers

Check your active_admin.js file, must have:

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
like image 82
Gonzalo S Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10

Gonzalo S