The binary you uploaded was invalid. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate
getting this error message..
since 2 dayz..
tried all googling..
its still there
After two days of fighting this problem, the solution for me was to make sure there are no two files that differ only in capitalization. So Foo.png and foo.png in the same directory within your app will cause this error.
Here are things to check that I have collected from different websites during these two days:
- check the finals steps in the build log "ProcessingProductPackaging" and "CodeSign"
- make sure you aren't accidentally including any .svn directories or similar
- make sure you have the correct distribution profile in projects settings for the release mode and it is not overriden by target settings
- in your pbxproj file, check PROVISIONING_PROFILE and CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY lines for Release mode or delete them and set the right profile again in project settings
- use Finder's compress instead of the terminal's zip command
- check the output of codesign -vvvv
- check the output of codesign -dvvvv
- check the output of codesign --verify -vvvv -R='anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists'
- if uploading with Safari doesn't work, try Firefox
- icon must be 57x57
- use application uploader to get a more informative error message
- there must not be spaces or special characters anywhere in the path of the zip you upload
- check your keychain: do you have a distribution certificate that is associated with a private key?
- make sure you set the Active SDK to device and not simulator when building
- open the .app file with Show Contents and check whether it contains a file embedded.mobileprovision with the UUID of you distribution profile, and a folder _CodeSignature with CodeResources inside
- make sure you bundle identifer matches the AppID. For an AppID* a valid bundle identifier is com.mycompany.myappname
- build on Mac Extended filesystem, not fat32
- try removing provisioning profiles from XCode, empty caches (XCode menu -> Empty Caches), restarting XCode, adding the profile again
If you have followed the instructions in, then I can come up with the following things that could cause this error:
- The certificate/keys/provisioning profile used for signing were incorrect
- The certificate has expired
- The zip is broken (it contains a couple of symbolic links that will get broken if you don't make the zip as is told in the instructions)
- There is entitlements.plist file in your app bundle